Saturday, July 8, 2023

Day 3: Brown Mountain Shelter to Center Lake


I slept really well, but was still up early enough to get a good start. When I was filling my water at the big pump by the shelter, I saw a sign that said that water should be filtered or treated. This was after I drank it the previous night so I just kept going with it. I figured I already had drank it, so might as well keep going with it. Even though I was early, there were still half of the tents gone by the time that I started. There were definitely many motivated people on the trails. I was expecting to go downhill from the shelter, but it was pretty flat for quite some time. Eventually the trail started to go down as it crossed the flanks of Brown Mountain. 

Brown Mountain was not much to look at as the top seemed very far away, but the lava flows were kind of nice. What made it better were the views of Mt. McLoughlin. I would have to come back to climb Mt. McLoughlin as it was a prominent peak with still a bit of snow looming on the top. I was moving pretty good thinking that maybe I was getting my trail legs, but still there were lots of people passing me. The slightly downhill slope helped out with this and I still had that impingement in my neck from looking over my left shoulder. After what seemed like a long time the trail finally made it down to the road and Fish Lake area.

Some people on bikes greeted me and encouraged me that I had made it to Fish Lake. Lots of people resupply here, but I just crossed the road where there was a stream flowing and what seemed like everyone who had passed me during the day. I quickly replenished my water bottles and then started up the hill. The trail now continued to the flanks of Mt. McLoughlin. A short spur with lots of elevation gain took off from the trail to the top of Mt. McLoughlin, but I had decided long ago that any extra climbing was not for me with this big pack of stuff. I ate lunch about halfway through the climb and realized that it was a pretty hot day.

Lots of sweating to do as I made the climb. After the junction with the Summit trail, the trail stayed pretty flat for quite sometime through forested areas. I could have stopped as Square Lake and had an enjoyable night, but it just was not far enough. So I continued on and soon the mosquitoes would start to get to me for the first time. They were out and about. At first, there were just a few but after a while there were many. I had some bug spray which I tried. It seemed to keep them from biting, but not from harassing me. A lot of people were shooting for Christis Spring as it was the last water source for quite some time. I wanted to make it to Island Lake as it was a nice big lake which I figured would have great scenery. I did stop at the spring to get water and after fighting the mosquitoes, I continued on but I knew that Island Lake was not going to happen.

I was so tired that taking that last remaining steps might be too much. I did see on the map a closer lake to the trail. It was called Center Lake, so I shot for that. The trail down from the main trail lost a lot of elevation which I was not too stoked about and it seemed rather overgrown. When I got down to the lake, it was clear that I was going to be the only one here on this night. I got my tent up as quick as I could and then laid myself down for what seemed like an entire hour. I was so tired. My feet were sore and my body was just used up. I willed myself out of the tent and into the lake for a dip. Both the mosquitoes and my exhaustion were tough obstacles to overcome, but I got enough energy to dip in the lake. It was cold but refreshing and would allow me to sleep much better during the night. I made myself some dinner and then it was off to bed. A much quieter campsite, but I was able to get enough rest to feel refreshed for the next day.

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