Monday, September 10, 2007

This Week in Backcountry

Well this was definitely one of my best weeks working for backcountry. With different hours and less people, we have trimmed it down to only one person with a full desk shift. What that meant for me was that I got to spend each day doing something in the backcountry. On Wednesday, I hiked up to the West Rim. There was a trail counter there that was supposed to have burned up in the fire. When I got to the West Rim (1hr 52min after leaving the trailhead [World Record]), it had burned everywhere around the counter except for the trees that it was on. The counter was working as usual, which meant that it still did not work well, but it was in one piece and functioning. I also found a tent randomly placed at a trail junction, wide open, with no stakes or rain fly and nothing in it. I packed it down thinking it had been abandoned. Turned out to be some Americorp kids and they had to fly it back up to him. The next day, I was stuck at the desk for much longer. I decided to hike in an area that does not get much foot traffic. I went out to Dalton Wash which is a short cut to Coalpits Wash. I knew nothing about the road except my truck could probably make it. It made it all the way up to the near top, where it turned 4wd. I backed up down this incredibly steep hill until I found a spot that looked safe to turn around. It was but as I was making one of my last turns, I got my right wheel stuck in a hole. I was scared I was going to have to call dispatch and have them bail me out. Miraculously, another vehicle came down at that exact point. He helped me by just pulling on my truck while I backed it out. I made it out and got my truck pointed down the hill. That guy was a lifesaver. The hike itself was not that spectacular. Definitely a nice short cut, but the area is not that impressive. Lots of petrified wood and sand. I think I got stung by a bee, but I can't be sure. Something flew out of my shorts that gave me a nice little prick. The next day, I actually got to do a technical canyon for work. It was great. We did Spry Canyon which I have done once before. This time it was much slower. For work, there are so many safety procedures that you have to go through. Prussiks, belays, daisy chains, etc... It was still fun and I got a chance to learn a couple of things. The rappels are rather sweet when they are not scary.
This one to the left, I actually got to set up. It was a double rappel that goes free at the end. It was beautiful. We got out about two hours later than we expected to be out. It makes me miss the good ol' days of canyoneering with Brian where we could run through things in no time at all. Speaking of Brian, I got to chill with him and his wonderful fiancee that night, before...
Going through Pine Creek the next day with the Superintendent. I was planning to really get my trip leader qualifications down going with Annette, so when I heard Jock was coming I was not that excited. But it turned out to be cool. I am always impressed when the Superintendent wants to come out in the park and do some of the more exciting things that Zion has to offer. As you can see, Pine Creek had quite a bit of water in it. I was prepared and was always in the water, because the wetsuit that I had was a little warm. Pine Creek took most of the day to do which surprised me. Here are pictures of me on the last rappel (102 feet, free for about 95 feet).

The last day of my week of backcountry, I chose a day hike up Hidden Canyon. Frankly, by this point I was just exhausted. Each of these days I was up before 6 am. The week was beginning to wear on me, so I chose an easy day hike. Hidden Canyon is still fun with up climbs and nice slotty sections. I hiked up as far as time allowed and took lunch. I spent most of my time cleaning grafiti as this is one of our most tagged places in the park.


jess said...

what a good life! those dirty taggers. it's been a childhood memory ever since we moved to page of my father yelling at people carving into the rock. i used to be humiliated by him but now do the same. funny how that works.

i may do the narrows the last weekend of the month with some friends, do you think you could swing being on patrol?

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like you have a great job! I really do need to come out and visit sometime...