Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bill and Karen catching the Subway

Jacqueline talked about how tough Karen and her uncle Bill were last time they came to Zion, so this time we decided to just see how tough they were. We decided that if they already saw the main canyon trails, that the Subway would prove to be something new and different for them. I let Jacqueline take pictures because this will make the sixth time this season and eighth time total that I have been in the Subway. Jacqueline took seventy pictures. Out of these we definitely got some good shots.
Not much new on the hike for me. I was playing tour guide, leading the way trying to find the best route up the drainage. I was even able to locate the dinosaur tracks.

As we got to the part of the Subway that you pay the big bucks for, the hiking party began to slow down as photo ops were abundant.

I was worried when we set out that the weather may turn us around because there was a high flash flood probability and then we would not get to see what we came for. But sooner or later there it was.

It is still impressive even if you have seen the Subway quite a few times. I was happy because there was a little bit of exploring for me to do as I took a little dip and swim to get to Keyhole Falls. It seemed to have flashed a day or two earlier and brought in some debris and lots of sand.

We took our trip back and had lunch on my favorite rock. The water this time was over my head, so I got to have a nice chilly swim at lunch time. The rest of the way down and then up and out, the group was very quick and efficient. We hustled our way on out of there and I had to admit that Jacqueline was right, Bill and Karen sure can handle themselves better than most visitors to Zion. We had a good trip and a fun visit with them.

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