Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lake Solitude

Well, the trip to Arizona was a slight detour from a route that would take us to Washington, but it put us in position to go through some familiar spots in Utah. First of all was our old home in Springdale to spend the evening chilling with friends while Tom babysat. We did not get to spend much time in Zion. Just enough to stop by to see a few people and take a picture with Zyla at her parents old home. We were off to Salt Lake to spend some time hanging with Jacqueline's bro Paul. The driving had been interesting. Getting to Zion, we hit 113 degrees in Marble Canyon. We had to plan feeding stops around elevation and places for Tom and I to hang out while Jacqueline fed. It took longer than it needed to, but by the evening we were hanging out in Salt Lake. The next day we just so happened to go for a hike. I did not even encourage it or push for it, but everyone was up for it. We went to Silver Lake up at the Solitude ski area. The plan was to do a short hike up to Lake Solitude. I got to carry the little one. This was the first instance of using the Baby Bjorn. It worked well, though Zyla still could not hold her head up so she faced inward toward my chest. That is a bit nerve racking when hiking and I continued to check to make sure the little gremlin was still breathing. She just slept as she enjoyed the bouncing of the hike. We were not hiking incredibly quickly because of the baby and we did not have much of an agenda. The lake was as far as we really wanted to go and it was just a mile and a half. The trail went first around Silver Lake which was all boardwalk. There were a bunch of families with a million little kids. Then it split off and climbed uphill past ski runs that in the summer time were turned into frisbee golf courses. The trail did become steep in places, but we all handled it fine. I felt pretty in shape by this point in the summer with all the running, lifting, and hiking that I was trying to do. Eventually we popped out at the lake. The weather looked iffy and I could only imagine what it would be like to get caught in a t-storm with a little one. Still we wandered around the lake to see if there was another trail to make a loop out of it. When I took a look at it, I thought that there was no way and from the map I saw before I did not think that there was one. Paul and Tom thought so and Jacqueline did not care. Finally I made the executive decision that we should just go back the way that we came because I did not want to take any risks with the baby. By myself, I would have just picked a route over the mountains and gone for it. Everyone was fine with going back down the same way and low and behold it did begin to sprinkle a little bit. It was not enough to concern me, though. We made it back fine, making a loop out of the hike going all the way around Silver Lake to finish it off. We plopped the baby back in her car seat and then we drove down Big Cottonwood Canyon to go to dinner. I think each and every one of us was hungry, except Zyla who fed every few hours. We ended up going out to dinner at an Asian restaurant near where Paul lives. They had outdoor space that we could all sit in. We were worried because it was a nice place, but the baby was great. She spent some of the time in the car seat and some of the time sleeping on my lap. We had good food and a good environment to propel us into our next couple days which would be a bit of driving before getting into Washington state.

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