Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Glacier View

My beautiful wife and I were finally able to get a bit of free time together. My mom was taking care of the baby so that we could go for a hike together. Carl recommended going up the road near Mt. Beljica. We took his advice and drove up the road. This was the same road that Jacqueline and I took to hike to Lake Christine back in 2006. This time we continued past that trailhead and went to the end of the road. The road dead ended at the trailhead. We parked and as soon as we got out of the car, we were immediately attacked by mosquitoes. I thought that they would go away once we started hiking, but I was wrong. We spent a large amount of our hiking time killing bugs. Jacqueline's solution to this problem was to wear my fleece the whole time. I could not do that and would have been sweating a ridiculous amount. Right near the trailhead, the trail split into two trails, one going to Goat Lake and the other going to the high point of the Glacier View wilderness. We chose to head toward the high point. The trail was in good shape and it headed slowly uphill. It was nice to be in the Northwest with all the greenery around us. As we neared the high point, the trail became steeper until eventually we popped out with an amazing view of Mt. Rainier. It is hard to put into words just how massive Rainier is, but from our viewpoint that was still rather far away, it took four pictures to put together to make one picture that would have the whole mountain in it. We enjoyed the view from a spot that obviously used to be an old fire lookout. There was a big flat spot with some old supports, nails, wood, up on top. It was long gone, but made a fine spot to enjoy a lunch while we tried to keep the mosquitoes at bay. We could have just called it good and head on back to our little baby, but Jacqueline wanted to keep going and I was always ready. So we actually started heading downhill when we came to a trail junction. There were many switchbacks and this was starting to look more like Washington hiking. Jacqueline was a bit concerned about coming back up, but I encouraged her and eventually we were at our goal, Lake West. There were two lakes in this area and we only made it to the smaller one. When I took out the camera, it was feeding time for the mosquitoes. I barely got a picture in and you could really tell that this was a breeding ground. If it had not been for the bugs, we may have kept going. Instead we turned around and went back uphill. Jacqueline had an easier time with the uphill than she thought. We contemplated making the turn for Goat Lake instead, but the bugs were just too much. All in all we probably did eight or nine miles, but the hiking was not as tiring as the constant attention to what was biting us. Just part of the fun when hiking in the Pacific Northwest on a beautiful summer day.

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