Friday, May 30, 2014

Sleepy Hollow

I had a backpack scheduled on the West Rim and I was excited. There is something about the West Rim that just has a way of relaxing me. When I looked at the permit system for available campsites, I saw that there were none available. Being that this was a work trip, I went ahead and booked an administrative site meaning that I was going to camp at large. This was a luxury of working as all sites on the West Rim were designated. I was just going to have to camp far enough from the trail to keep my tent disguised and my impacts to a minimum. I got a ride up to Lava Point and hiked down from there. Not much exciting happened during the first part of the hike and I eventually found myself in Sleepy Hollow.
This was where I was planning to camp. I wandered through this open area until I found a nice flat spot. I was able to clear away some brush and put down my tent. This was going to be a long night as I still had a significant amount of daylight left. I wandered on down to the end of Sleepy Hollow. After a few short down climbs, I found myself overlooking Imlay Canyon. This was a spot in Zion that not many people get to see. This looked like a workable route to get into Imlay. Today, though, it was a beautiful view. I admired the view for a time and then wandered back to camp.
I had not much to do for the evening except to read a book and think about the future. Jacqueline was interviewing for a job in Oregon and we would soon find out our future. I was sort of indifferent to the whole experience. Zion had been really good to me, but there were some limitations. We were unsure constantly about whether my job would continue. Jacqueline had been permanently seasonal for so long that she seemed to be stuck there. We really wanted to buy a house and get some routes. My job would definitely be much different if I became a teacher again, but being in a new place had its rewards too. Plus there was the added benefit of making quite a bit more money. We had decided that if we both got teaching jobs, we were going to take it. For tonight, though, I was really enjoying being a wilderness ranger at Zion.
When I awoke in the morning, it was time to pack up. I went by the campsites to check them out. I got to spend a significant amount of time at campsite 5 as someone had built a truly massive shelter. Frustrating to deal with as this was about the 3rd time that I had destroyed a shelter there. Way more creative was campsite number one where I found wilderness Catan. Someone had been creative enough to make all the resources and the game board using natural elements. These were awesome campers.
The rest of the way, I continued off the West Rim and made my way back home. When I got back, I found out that we had both got jobs in Oregon and we were now on our way to the McKenzie River area of Oregon. This was kind of a big deal in our lives that we were going to adjust to. The moving process was beginning.

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