Friday, October 18, 2013

Fall Color in the Narrows

Everyone that comes to the wilderness permits desk is often looking for a secret about Zion. When is the best time to do this or that? Well, I will let you in on a little secret. The best time to hike the Zion Narrows is mid-October. Sure, you have to use a wet suit or dry suit and the air temperature is not particularly comfortable, but as far as beauty which is what you want, this is the best time of year. I did not know that, though, until I embarked on this expedition.
 As I got a ride from the EOC to the Temple of Sinawava, most everyone thought I was a bit crazy for going into the Narrows during this time of year. I was the first one up on this particular day. I needed to hike all the way to the park boundary. I was supposed to hike down from the top but I could not get a ride, so up from the bottom I was going. This is a trip we do not let backpackers do because of the fact that more than likely people will just camp before their actual campsite. I was only 1/2 mile up the Narrows when I ran into something I never saw before in Zion. It was a beaver swimming around in a pool in the lower Narrows. Unbelievable! The fact that this guy could live there with the throngs of people going up the river every day was just remarkable.
I was so excited to see him and life in the lower part of the Narrows. My goal with all this was to take pictures of social trails to see how they were rehabilitating. The results were mixed, but I feel like I was moving in the right direction. In the middle of all of this, I was able to enjoy the pretty sights around me also. I was staying in campsite number 6, which was right by the entrance to Kolob Canyon. The river had been a tough fight going upstream and I could see why as there was nearly 30 cfs coming just out of Kolob.
After Kolob, upstream, it was a bit easier going. I hiked all the way to the park boundary checking permits along the way. I ran into a group at Deep Creek late in the afternoon. They asked if they were doing well on time and I had to tell them, no, they were not doing well at all. They had to get moving quickly. I never heard anything from them after this, so I am assuming that they made it out okay. In fact, there were many of the backpacking groups getting in late. I was happy to fill up my day with hiking all the way to the boundary and back to six.
It was a cold evening and morning, but I was happy to see that my wet suit was dry by the A.M. The next day was smooth sailing with the current helping me downstream spending some time working on social trails trying to get them looking good for the season. They were as good as they were going to get. I even put up 5 signs because I spent so much time on the same trails. This was a hard decision as the last thing a person wants to see in the Narrows is a don't walk here sign. But they also don't want to see a large eroded trail either. I was happy to get out and warm up, but also sad that I could not do more as there were some trails that I had not been able to do all I want. I still felt like it was good for a season of work, especially when it is not exactly within my job description. Just want to leave the park a nicer place. 

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