Saturday, January 3, 2009


I have hiked Huber Wash a couple of times before and enjoyed it on both occasions. Jacqueline never had been there before, so I figured the beginning of January would be a great time to explore it since most of our other options for trails in the park were now covered in either ice, snow, or mud. Huber turned out to be a great pick as it was muddy in quite a few spots, but for the most part it allowed for a smooth, easy hike for the two of us. The mostly dry wash lead us eventually to a dry fall and we picked our way to the left until we were at a very narrow scrambling section. I thought this could be the end, but after climbing it a couple of times up and down to show Jacqueline just how easy it could be, we made it up on to the plateau around Huber. This is where we deviated from the trail, just wandering around the southwest desert, trying our best to avoid the cryptobiotic soil. We were in search for petrified wood. There is quite a bit out there, but most of it is in small, broken piles. We wandered to a the top of a point where we got awesome views of Eagle's Crags, Smithsonian Butte, Mt. Kinesava, Cougar Mountain, and Crater Hill. We scrambled down the other side of the point and finally hit the jackpot with some nice, large petrified logs. Having fulfilled our mission on this day, we found our way back down into Huber Wash and wandered on out. It turned out to be a great 3-4 hour jaunt for a mostly snow free trip.

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