Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sloppy Mess

Eric and I tried real hard to get a snowshoeing trip out of Zion, but it was more like a snow hike. For most of the trip, we did not use snowshoes, but the views were still good. We went up on the East Rim Trail from the east entrance to the park. I learned in the process that Eric had never been on that trail. Thus, it turned into a rather good choice. We only made it as far as Jolley Gulch before turning back. Still in the snow, it made for about a four hour trip. I used snowshoes for longer as there were a few spots that we sunk in, but Eric barely used his the whole trip.

1 comment:

Mark said...

That was always one of my favorite hikes in Zion. I really enjoyed it because I rarely ever saw anyone!