Jacqueline and I spent Christmas in Michigan and Wisconsin once again. After a lot of presents, travelling, eating, and visiting, we set aside one day to get out on the trails. The problem was that there is not much for trails in the middle of Michigan where Jacqueline grew up. I searched around and finally found us some options. Since I wanted to see the Great Lakes, we headed for the closest one which was Lake Huron. We finally found Bay City State Park, which is not far from where Jacqueline grew up and a place that she had been before; the realization coming when we arrived. We headed out to check out the beach and the lake. It did not give us much land to use as a place to hike. I did not feel like I was in the pristine zone at all as we could see smoke stacks down the lake shore.
So we headed back into the car after taking the trail for a short mile long loop. We headed north from there to Tawas Point State Park. It was about an hour's drive from where we were, but the lake looked much different. There was a little point that we wanted to walk out to. We finally arrived and we took off toward the water.
The wind was picking up a bit and it was definitely below freezing. We did get a decent hike out of this place. We started out hiking the beach, but we saw the trail above us, so we took that. Soon the trail turned into an old road, which headed straight out to the end of the point. Near the point, though, the trail took off back toward the parking lot. So we headed out to the point. When we got there, the end of the point was hard to tell as there were varying areas of water and beach. Jacqueline did not feel like walking across the ice, but I assured her it was safe, by even sliding across it.
She had enough and we headed back through the screaming cold wind along the beach this time. We made it back to the car and it was a nice day. It made me appreciate where I live because I could get a good hike in from so many different places near where I live instead of having to search hard. We drove back in a snow storm and Jacqueline handled that with grace. She also handled the ski hills of Boyne Mountain with grace a couple days later as I struggled to stay upright. Jacqueline started skiing at five and she does not realize how much better that makes her than someone who is 22 until her dad and her were skiing like champs and I was trying not to run over eight year olds on the slopes.