Saturday, October 4, 2014

McKenzie Pass

We couldn't really expect too much from these kids. We had a 4 and a 1 year old and we were taking them for an anniversary hike with the two of us. It was our sixth wedding anniversary and we just so happened to have the day off. Besides that the kids were already tired and had fallen asleep in the car on the way up the hill. I had never been up all the way to McKenzie Pass before. Jacqueline had assured me that it was this crazy, scary road with huge drop offs.
 After driving it, it was a well maintained paved road that was curvy, but one of the easiest ways to access some of the beautiful high country of the Three Sisters Wilderness. I was stoked for this road. It was beautiful up there with the geologically recent lava flows. This is what I had moved to Oregon for. This place was truly stunning. We got out at the the Dee Wright Observatory. It was this structure that was built in the '30s out of the lava flows.
When we got on top, it had a room where you could look out and each peak was framed within an opening. It was a nice clear day so we could see them all, even Mt. Hood. After that, there was a trail around the lava flow. It was a short trail, but that meant nothing with young children. We were able to coerce them enough to take the trip and even listen to us read out the information on the sign.
 A few trips on the shoulders was necessary but the kids were happy most of the way. This was a great area and I was loving the views. I would spend much of my time up here. We left the Dee Wright Observatory and headed a minute down the road to the Lava Camp Lake Road. There were some picnic tables near a trailhead where we had lunch.
 After that, we went out on the trail. The goal was to make it out to North Mathieu Lake. I say goal because who knows with kids. The trail was in really good shape and we quickly found ourselves on the PCT. It was in the forest, but there were these huge lava flows rising right above us.
This time we had the baby backpack as Conrad could not be expected to walk the 3 miles to the lake and back. He was a load by this point, though, so there were times when we let him out to walk. The trail was even in most places, but there were spots where his 1 year old legs would not support him well enough. The kids did great and we did not make the lake, but we got out and hiked for quite a while. It was a very enjoyable day. Then we went back down the hill for a dinner at Takodas.
All and all, a very enjoyable day in the high country of the Three Sisters Wilderness.

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