Conrad was almost a month old, so we figured it was high time for him to hit the trail. This was a big undertaking to just get out the door trying to fit a short hike into a newborn's schedule. We chose something simple to make sure that it would happen. We drove up the scenic drive and parked across from the lodge. Our goal, the Lower Emerald Pools. We loaded Conrad into the Baby Bjorn, since he was a bit bigger than Zyla was at this time in her life. She was too small for it until after two months whereas Conrad already fit in there at less than a month.
Hiking up there, we still saw some people even though it was the tail end of fall. There was a bit of ice and running water at the pool. With all of Jacqueline's constant checking to see if Conrad was okay, the whole hike took a bit over a half an hour to do about a mile roundtrip. I carried Zyla and she did manage to fall asleep in this short time. I was hoping that we could do more, but having such a small baby out in the crisp cool air of the late fall, it was tough to push him to do more.
Besides, after an hour, mother and son would need to have a feeding session anyway. I would go back to being Zyla's main parent while Jacqueline tended to the new baby. I would get the tired kid with only a half hour nap, but worth it to get the kids out and about in the park.
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