Sunday, August 26, 2007

La Verkin Creek Backpack

So I was supposed to do Spry Canyon, but Ray bailed and it was high flash flood potential anyway, so I decided to go on a backpack in La Verkin Creek. I had to open the desk, so I only got started at 11am. Nothing very notable happened on the hike. I talked to a few parties and they seemed happy to be there. I went to the last campsite #17, which was a great idea. I spent the evening reading my book on Teddy Roosevelt, reclining on a chair made of rocks. The next day I woke up early, because there is only so much daylight in the day. I started out with a trip to Beartrap Falls. It was less than a half mile from my site.
From there I headed out to go to the park boundary. I missed the Willis Creek turnoff and headed up La Verkin Creek past the junction. Doubled back and made it through Willis Creek. For the fourth time this summer, I saw an owl in a canyon at about 10am, just as I was emerging from Willis Creek.
I continued to the Park boundary from here. This successfully completed all the trails in Zion National Park for me. I was pleased.
From there I wanted to head up and see if I could take a look at Chasm Lake. I was running low on agua, so I didn't want to risk the long trip up the lake. So I headed up the steep, brushy slope to the junction with the head of Beartrap Canyon. I got up as far as I could see, after a death defying, moronic scramble toward the lake, but all that was there was the formation that should have been Chasm Lake.
Well, I decided to tag it and bag it on this day, so I took one last photo of me dehydrated and tired, then headed back down to my campsite. I got myself packed and headed back to my vehicle and exhausting 11 miles away from the spot above. It was definitely a good couple of days out in Zion.

1 comment:

jess said...

i bet jacqueline loved to hear that blog entry... barely any water! shame shame... and after those scare tactic talks you've given visitors all these years.