Sunday, March 1, 2015

Three Generations of Ladies on Castle Rock

My mom and sister were up visiting the kids. Having an afternoon free, I convinced Jacqueline to allow me to take her and my mom up to Castle Rock. This was my go to hike and a rather easy hike to access given the typically good condition of the road and the short trail. I even convinced Jacqueline to let me take Zyla too. Usually I hiked from the trailhead coming off of King Road, but this time we took the gravel road all the way to the trailhead that was only 1 mile away from the top. The Xterra handled the road fine, even though it was starting to be more temperamental at this point.
Honestly, one of us was nearly always holding Zyla's hand on the hike up and the hike back down. Regardless, she did the walking on her own. The trail has some rather large drop offs in some places, but for the most part it is a wide enough trail to not be an issue. There is some uphill, but we were not trying to break any speed records, so we took it nice and slow. We finally topped out after a leisurely hike up and the view was spectacular. The sky was clear and the sisters were coated in white. We took many pictures as I got photos with every generation. First my mom who had been exercising more lately.
Next, my daughter who was nearly five. Looking at the picture afterwards, I could see how somehow this little girl looked a lot like me but is still very pretty. Lastly, I took a picture with my wife with the sisters in the background. We enjoyed our time at the top of the peak, not taking too much freedom to wander around with a 4 year old. From there, we continued back down carefully. This is such a fantastic hike and so close to our home.

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