We had not been out in such a long time that when we finally got one day to get out, we took up the opportunity. So even though my beautiful wife may have usually preferred a traditional Valentine's date, we decided this would be our best chance to get out. Wanting to avoid snow and get out in the sunshine a bit, we headed down in elevation to Bedrock and back to the Dolores River. This time we drove all the way to the big parking area and walked from there. Instead of a pregnant wife, we had a nine month old baby. We were trying out the baby backpack given to us by John and Mindy. We appreciate it and so did Zyla as she looked pretty comfy in there. Jacqueline got the fun of seeing the cute baby the whole time and I got the job of mule. Zyla's new favorite thing she learned on this hike was that there are many differen

t trees out there with lots of different textures. She wanted to grab every branch we went passed after I showed her some for the first time. We had a fairly warm day as it felt good to be in just a fleece. The

trail was nothing new as we followed the same route as last time heading down by the river at first, then getting away from it, and eventually coming back. My main goal was just to make it farther than we did the previous time we hik

ed the trail and we did. Once the wind started to pick up, Jacqueline was a bit worried about how Zyla would handle it. Zyla seemed as unconcerned

as normal, but we did finally stop and let her get out of the backpack for a while. We did not make it once again to the dino tracks or to the confluence of La Sal Creek, but this time we made it up onto the higher point to get a view. On the way back Zyla checked out so

me trees until it was all too much for her. She fell asleep and suddenly one side of my backpack was a lot heavier than the other. We let her sleep and consider ourselves lucky to have such an easy baby who tends to live in the now with her environment and just deal with what is in front of her. We look forward to many more jaunts with little Z and the family.