After spending a cold winter in Colorado, spring arrived which meant that Jacqueline needed to start work again in Zion. Reluctantly, she agreed to start April 1st. Luckily, that just so happened to land on the days after my Spring Break from school. So, at the first opportunity we took off for Utah. We made a long drive out, mostly on the Interstate until we headed for Escalante. Taking that beautiful drive through the mountains around Boulder and then the canyons of the Escalante was impressive. Jacqueline really did not like it when the road narrowed so much that it was a major drop-off on both sides. Beautiful, yet scary. We finally made it to the campground near Calf Creek Falls. After driving through the whole campground, we were lucky to find the last spot remaining. It was definitely in the the ugliest spot, but we went with it. Having a small time left before it became dark, we headed out for Calf Creek Falls. We knew we would be doing the hike in the dark, but we really had no choice. When we got to the falls, it was just starting to turn dark. We managed to salvage a picture or two, but it just does not do the falls justice for the amount of water that is pouring through there, at least at the end of March. We headed back to the campsite, now with our headlamps on and enjoyed the evening chilling in the tent.
The next morning we were up early. It was time for us to start our backpack. The place that looked the easiest accessible and most appealing was to just venture down the Escalante River. It was already getting warm when we woke up, so it seemed like some water would be nice. Jacqueline was fighting a cold, so I wondered if we would make the trip, but she was definitely determined to get going. We set out down the river and sooner than later, we were having to cross the river.Jacqueline was not exactly thrilled about this exciting option. We were actually starting to cross very frequently. Then a thought came to my head once the sun was out beaming down on us, I forgot to pack the sunscreen.
We stood around for a while debating what to do. Finally I decided rather than ruin the trip, I was going to run back to the car and get it. So I took off running. I did it as fast as I could, but it still amounted to an hour of trail running through obstacles. I made it back quickly, but Jacqueline was not that impressed. We continued hiking and the views were great. There were unique cliffs around every bend in the river. The going became more difficult with steep banks for crossing, much more vegetation, and some dark clouds coming in. So much for the sunscreen. Finally we made it down to river mile six.
From that point on, it looked like a rafting expedition was the only way to go if you did not have a machete. We backtracked a bit and decided to climb up a little slope to gain the heights of the cliffs. We had beautiful 360 views of the whole place, but unfortunately left the camera in the pack. We scrambled back down and pitched our tent in an alcove we saw previously. It was definitely the right place to camp, because the cold wind that was blowing in would have made camp life difficult. So we spent a chilly evening in camp hoping that when we awoke in the morning, the weather would have turned. It did turn, for the worst. It was incredibly chilly.
Jacqueline with her cold and the way being blocked, we decided that the best decision was to just head back to the vehicle. We started the trudge back and it began to snow a bit. It was tough going as we were trying to stay out of the river as much as possible to avoid Jacqueline getting pneumonia. She was still not a happy camper. I was definitely impressed though because I have been doing things like this for years and it is great to know that someone loves you enough to foolishly follow you into the backcountry crossing a river in the snow. When we made it back to the car, we headed from there to the town of Escalante. We had a few meals and a hotel room to warm us up.
The next day we drove through Bryce, which with my shoes being completely soaked and the weather being snowy, it was not quite the Spring Break experience we were looking for. After that we spent a couple of days in Zion looking at the place we were supposed to live (not going to happen) and moving Jacqueline in to her temporary home. I put her in charge of finding us a place to live for the summer. Then it was off to Vegas to spend a night camping in the hills outside Vegas, a buffet breakfast, and a flight away from my beautiful girlfriend to spend the next two months teaching without her by my side.